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What makes it difficult to draw blood?

Your vein contains much of the fluids in your body so if you haven't have much to drink prior to your draw, those fluid filled vessels will not be easy to access and are more likely to collapse flat when a needle is inserted. 


Does blood collection hurts?

Having blood drawn is different for everyone. Some people aren't bothered by it at all, while others worry that they may pass out at the sight of a needle. In the hands of a skilled phlebotomist or nurse, a blood draw shouldn't be painful, but you may experience some brief discomfort. Factors like hormones and stress also plays a role in a person's pain tolerance. Deep breathing prior to the collection may ease anxiety from the procedure. 


I have a small, deep, rolling vein, what should I do to make blood collection easier?

If you have ever had a lab draw where the phlebotomist told you that you have small, deep, or rolling veins (veins that tend to move away from the needle during a blood draw), the best option for your next blood draw is to make sure you tell the phlebotomist that you have these possible issues before the blood draw begins. This will help them use different techniques such as anchoring an unexpected rolling vein or looking for deeper veins to draw from, applying a warm compress, etc. 


Can I undergo an X-ray procedure while I'm pregnant?

Doctors may consider delaying  procedures that would put the pelvic region and the unborn child in the direct path of the X ray beam, particularly fluoroscopy or CT investigations. If the procedure is essential to the mother’s health, the doctors take special actions to keep the dose to the unborn child as low as possible. For example, pregnant patients can have their pelvic regions’ shielded during the procedure as an added precaution.





How long is the viability of my urine and stool sample?

If you prefer to collect your urine and stool sample at home, you should collect your samples in a completely clean container and store the container in a fridge in a sealed plastic bag if you can't hand it in straight away. Samples should be given to the laboratory not more than 2 hours. 


Can I drive after blood extraction?

For simple blood samples, you should be free to leave and drive. 


How long does the result takes?

For routine test, results will be released within 24 hours, usually 10 am of the following work day. For special tests, the medical staff will inform you when to expect the results before your leave the facility. 


I did my X-ray procedure, so what are the possible effects of radiation to my health?

Most diagnostic investigations will not have an adverse effect. Procedures with higher doses such as CT Scan, interventional procedures or multiple exposures could lead to biological effects in some cases. Adverse effects from radiation dose absorbed in diagnostic practice are rare. For example, the radiation dose absorbed from a simple X ray examination such as a chest X ray (radiograph) or an X ray of the skull, abdomen, pelvic region, arms, shoulder or knees is quite low and is smaller than that received annually from natural sources.

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